How To Make A Bad Movie
How To Make A Bad Movie (While Really Trying)
Bill Doty
In Production
Every 18 seconds a low-budget horror film is released into the world. Perhaps this is a bit of an exaggeration, but it often feels this way. What is the inspiration behind them? Who are these cinematic masters? What sort of actors share their talents on screens?
How are these getting made?
Even better, can we make one? Not only make one, but one of the best worst low-budget horror films ever?
Let’s try.

Two For One Films
As we head out to answer the questions above through industry interviews, research, and all out craziness, we will also be making a low-budget feature-length horror film.
2 films being shot at once.
The script is written and being cast. The locations are scouted and the cameras are ready to go. We’re in production.
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you might be a part of it. As either one we’re talking to, or one of the actors who’ll be playing in the film. What should you know?
So as we are documenting the making of our horror film, you will be playing yourself and be credited as yourself as a main character in the doc. For the horror film, you will be playing a scripted character and credited under a fake name (you can make that up if you like). Anyone who watches the documentary will be very eager to watch the horror. Anyone who finds the horror will be given a hint to find the doc.
Two films for one.
There Are Rules (we created)
We don’t just willy nilly (William Nilliam to be proper) run out and make a bad film without following a b-movie code. So we created one.
Rule 1: The Entire (Horror Film) Budget Can’t Exceed $5k. Low budget has to start and stop somewhere. From casting to props, we can’t spend a penny more.
Rule 2: No Rewrites. The first draft of the script is the final. No reason to over think it.
Rule 3: No More Than 6 Days of Principal Photography. As we’ve learned, even the biggest b-movie studios survive by filming in 6 days or less. This doesn’t cut into pre or postproduction schedules. But actors and cameras… those days are limited.
Rule 4: No More Than 2 Takes. Screw up on your lines? Better get ’em right the second time. Actors get 2 takes per shot. Mess up, it stays in the film.
Rule 5: “Actors”. Can’t find an actor to play a role? Cast a friend, acquaintance, your dentist. There’s a reason these films are often so bad, it’s because the guy screaming his head off while having a knife jammed in his neck just might be someone’s college roommate, or mechanic. If someone wants to act in our film, let’s give them a chance.
Rule 6: Less Than $150 Per Practical Effect. Exploding heads? Flying monsters? Better find a way to make them cheap.
Rule 7: Make It The Most Controversial Horror Film Plot You Can Conceive. This, we feel we nailed. Though our horror film’s title and premise is currently under wraps. We must prepare anyone interested in this film… it gets crazy.
How's it Going?
We’re filming every day. God Dam is about 30% in the can. The doc will continue to film after the horror film’s release.
Want to be a part? Shoot us an email and let’s talk.